Stanislaus County Job Opportunities
We are thrilled that you are interested in being part of the team. Our employees make a meaningful contribution to our community each day they come to work. For us, active citizenship in promoting the health, safety, welfare, and economic vitality of our community isn’t just an opportunity, it’s a responsibility.
We’re a diverse workforce that believes every position is crucial and interconnected, and that the triumphs of the individual are the successes of us all. Stanislaus County is a Learning Organization, committed to promoting the continuous development and advancement of its team. We offer a wide range of career paths for you to take on your professional journey and the developmental tools help get you where you want to go.
Stanislaus County now offers an employee bonus worth up to $10,000! Click here for details
Open PositionsAbout the County
Stanislaus County is located in Central California within 90 minutes of the San Francisco Bay Area, the Silicon Valley, Sacramento, the Sierra Nevada Mountains and California’s Central Coast. With an estimated 558,262 people calling this area home, the community reflects a region rich in diversity with a strong sense of community. Two of California’s major north-south transportation routes (Interstate 5 and Highway 99) intersect the area and the County has quickly become one of the dominant logistics center locations on the west coast. The County is home to a vibrant arts community with the world-class Gallo Center for the Arts, a symphony orchestra, and abundant visual and performing arts. Stanislaus County is a global center for agribusiness, positioned by its mild Mediterranean climate, rich soils and progressive farming practices. The area is recognized internationally for agricultural innovation with wine, almonds, poultry, milk, cattle, and walnuts being some of the featured industries. The County is also home to California State University Stanislaus, Modesto Junior College and benefits from satellite locations of other high-quality educational institutions. The County was established in 1854 and has a total land area of 1,515 square miles. Temperatures range from an average low of 43 degrees in the winter, to an average high of 92 degrees in the summer. Temperatures move up into the high 90s during the summer months with low humidity and cool evening breezes from the San Joaquin Delta. Stanislaus County has a current year total budget of $1.6 billion and over 4,700 full-time positions within 29 agencies and departments.
About the Departments
The mission of the Stanislaus County Department of Aging and Veterans Services is to "Help Seniors and Veterans obtain services and benefits they need to live secure, healthy, independent lives." In Stanislaus County, the Department of Aging & Veterans Services is one of 33 designated Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) for the California Department of Aging (CDA).
The Stanislaus County Agricultural Commissioner's Office is responsible for the implementation of laws and regulations designed to support and protect the well-being of agriculture, business and the community. Recognizing the vital role that agriculture plays in the community, the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors is committed to providing excellent community services and we charge the organization to effectively manage public resources, encourage innovation and continuously improve business efficiencies. Agriculture is Stanislaus County's number one industry. The Department is committed to developing and delivering innovative solutions and is dedicated to providing excellent service to the community.
The Stanislaus County Animal Services Agency provides a welcoming and humane place for animals and those who care for them. We protect, educate and serve the public; to develop programs to continuously improve the lives of people and animals within our community.
The mission of the Stanislaus County Assessor's Office is to produce a fair, accurate and timely assessment roll while providing excellent customer service. The Assessor's Office is responsible for valuing all real and personal property in Stanislaus County. The value of the property is the basis for establishing the property taxes a property owner pays each year.
The Auditor-Controller is an elected position. The Auditor- Controller is the Chief Accounting Officer for the County whose duties are defined by various State Codes.
Behavioral Health & Recovery Services (BHRS), under the administrative direction of the Chief Executive Officer and subject to the policy of the Board of Supervisors, is responsible for providing or arranging for the provision of an array of specialized behavioral health services for residents in and around Stanislaus County. Stanislaus County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services is considered a Health Professional Shortage area (HPSA) for mental health and most clinics are National Health Service Corps (NHCS) approved sites for candidates interested in applying for student loan repayment program. For more information visit: National Health Service Corps
As part of the Mental Health Services Act, the Stanislaus County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services Department has a State-approved Workforce Education and Training Plan (WE&T Plan). This WE&T Plan also references the Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5820 - 5822 and provides that administrative structures are in place to support long-term workforce development that actively outreaches to support career pathways and also ensure barriers are reduced or eliminated for consumers, and family members who wish to enter the publicly-funded behavioral health workforce. Candidates with lived experience as a consumer or a family member of a consumer of behavioral health services are highly encouraged to apply.
The Stanislaus County Community Services Agency (CSA) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our community. With over 1,083 staff in seven locations, serving over 120,000 citizens each year, we are the largest social service organization in Stanislaus County. CSA offers services in: Adoptions; Child Protective Services; Foster Connections; Medi-Cal; Adult Protective Services; Child Care; CalFresh; General Assistance/Relief; CalWorks; Foster Care; In Home Supportive Services; and Welfare to Work.
The Chief Executive Office provides overall leadership, management and coordination of County government operations. This includes day-to-day management of County resources, budget management, long-range financial planning, human resources and risk management programs, emergency services, capital projects and organizational planning. The office is responsible for implementing policies directed by the Board of Supervisors.
The Chief Executive Office has a long tradition of implementing progressive programs and services supported with strong partnerships throughout the organization. Collaboration with key business partners and community stakeholders is an essential component of the department’s culture. The department consists of 86 employees with a wide range of expertise and professional experience forming a dynamic and rewarding work-place well suited for individual and group development. With strong connections to all sectors of our community, the Chief Executive Office offers unique professional growth opportunities for leaders to emerge at all lev-els of the organization.
Promotions and personal development are celebrated often and reflect our continuous modeling of the County’s official motto…”Striving together to be the best!”
The Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors established the Children and Families Commission (CFC) in December of 1998 as authorized by the Children and Families Act of 1998, better known as the Proposition 10. Proposition 10 was the tobacco surtax approved by California voters on November 3, 1998. The independent, nine-member Commission represents Stanislaus County and is responsible for developing and implementing a strategic plan to support and improve early childhood development by creating an integrated, comprehensive, and collaborative system of information and services to enhance optimal early childhood development and to ensure that children are ready to enter school.
The Commission's FY 17-18 budget is $7.2 million. These funds are designated for early childhood development programs that benefit children from prenatal stages through five years of age.
The Stanislaus County Clerk Recorder- Registrar of Voters Office under the guidance and leadership of the County's Clerk Recorder/Registrar of Voters is dedicated to the oversight of the County's election processes and to the oversight of recording legal and real property documents. The Department has a total budget of over $7 million and consists of 48 full time allocated positions. The Department consists of three divisions- Elections, Clerk Recorder and Administration.
The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in Stanislaus County is part of a nationwide system of off-campus education, based on a three-way partnership among the County Board of Supervisors, the University of California, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. UCCE brings the resources of the University of California to Stanislaus County residents. Each partner plays a key role in providing funding and support of our programs. Stanislaus County's commitment and support has made it possible for us to bring science-based research and education programs to county residents for 104 continuous years
UCCE's mission is to develop and deliver research-based information to the people of Stanislaus County enabling them to make informed decisions and improve their economic wellbeing and quality of life. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 4-H Youth Development and Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences advisors are highly trained and are supported by a statewide staff of University of California faculty, UCCE specialists, and USDA researchers. We carry out our mission in two major ways: problem solving through applied research and education. Most of our applied research is conducted in local field trials working directly with growers and producers. The information is delivered to our clientele via classroom and in-field workshops, electronic and social media, seminars, websites, publications, phone calls, office visits, on-farm consultations, email, television and radio programs, newsletters and articles in newspapers and magazines. Our goal is to continue to address local problems supporting economic viability of the agricultural industry, a safe and secure food supply, clean air and water, and healthy communities.
The County Counsel office serves as the chief legal counsel for the Board of Supervisors, all County offices, departments and commissions. The Office is responsible for providing legal advice and written opinions on matters that impact the operation of County government jurisdictions. The County Counsel’s Office also represents the County in litigation and preparation of agreements, contracts, resolutions and ordinances for the Board of Supervisors. The Office regularly handles personnel matters, election matters, bond issues, trial and appellate litigation concerning child welfare practice, public social services, condemnation proceedings, Public Administrator matters, public guardianship and conservatorship matters, and tax cases, as well as keeping current with all Attorney General Office opinions, case decisions and legislative changes impacting the County.
Mission Statement: To promote the well-being of children by locating parents, establishing paternity, and obtaining and enforcing orders while providing the excellent level of service our customers deserve. The Stanislaus County Department of Child Support Services (SCDCSS) provides a broad range of support services to customers including establishment of paternity, establishment of child support orders, enforcement or modification of child support orders, location of absent parents, and collection of support orders. SCDCSS partners with its 161 agency employees, other County, State and Federal government agencies, and numerous community based organizations to provide easily accessed and responsive services. SCDCSS is classified as a 'large' department based on its caseload of approximately 27,000 active case files. Annual collections for fiscal year 2017-2018 exceeded $54,000,000.00. The Department promotes a culture of engagement and is seeking individuals who will be fully involved in helping move the organization forward in meeting its performance goals.
The District Attorney's Office is responsible for the prosecution of all crimes or offenses that occur within the County. District Attorney staff represent the People of the State of California in criminal cases, provide support and assistance to crime victims, and work in partnership with local law enforcement agencies to promote public safety. Our mission is to SEEK JUSTICE, SERVE JUSTICE, DO JUSTICE. Our staff consists of approximately 149 employees.
The Department of Environmental Resources (DER) has a combined total of 8 service areas. The service areas include Administration, Environmental Health, Code Enforcement, Solid Waste, Hazardous Materials, Landfill, Groundwater Management, and Milk and Dairy. The department currently has a total of 105 full-time employees and 10 part-time employees with a total combined budget of $35 million for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
The General Services Agency (GSA) provides a wide range of internal services for our customer departments. Supporting their good works with our own – so that they may each successfully deliver for our community. The Agency's annual operating budget is approximately $30.6 million, with an estimated $90.0 million in capital projects new construction, renovations, and deferred maintenance planned for the next two-year budget cycles.
The General Services Agency has two main Divisions, 1) Administration and 2) Capital Facilities. The Administration Division primarily oversees the budgeting, accounting, accounts payable, utilities, human resources, safety and training functions for both divisions. The Administration Division oversee the Central Services/Purchasing Division and the Fleet Services Division.
The Central Services Division is responsible for acquiring goods and services, negotiating contracts, leasing property and equipment, providing consultation on procurement needs and contract facilitation to County departments, in addition to the sale and/or disposal of surplus County property, mailroom, messenger, and salvage services, The Purchasing Manager ensures that approximately $250 million in goods and services are procured competitively countywide. In addition, Central Services Purchasing staff will issue over 5,200 purchase orders, and courier services will process and deliver approximately 1.4 million pieces of mail for County departments annually.
The Fleet Services Division provides preventative and prescriptive maintenance for approximately 1,400 County vehicles and other pieces of specialized equipment to all County Departments. Fleet Services provides full vehicle maintenance services, including assistance with vehicle acquisition, vehicle registration, preventative maintenance, accident management, vehicle repair, motor pool, fuel card lock program, and salvage/ auction services.
The Capital Facilities Division is responsible for Capital Projects, Deferred Maintenance, Facilities Maintenance, American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA), along with the overall facility operations for the 10th Street Joint Powers Agency (JPA), 12th Street office building and the Veterans Center.
The Capital Facilities Division is responsible for new construction, expansion, renovation, or replacement projects for an existing facility or facilities within the County. The Capital Facilities Division recently awarded two construction contracts totaling $17.2 million for the Turlock Library Expansion and the Empire Library Replacement Projects, is in the design phase of construction of the Health Services Agency Administration/Public Health Facility Project with an approved project budget of $34.5 million at construction completion. The Capital Facilities Division is also responsible for the development of the Capital Improvement Plan and manages and supports the daily operations of the 10th Street Office Building, which is a joint powers agency.
The Deferred Maintenance (DM) program serves to bridge the gap between capital projects and facilities maintenance. Deferred Maintenance is in its seventh year of successfully completing 200 various projects throughout the County totaling $13.1 million. The DM program receives many requests throughout the year to address various deferred maintenance projects including HVAC replacement, elevator modernization, flooring and painting projects.
The Facilities Maintenance Division (FMD) is comprised of two main programs, Maintenance Services and Custodial Services. The Maintenance Services unit maintains and operates building systems and equipment for over 2.5 million square feet of County-owned and leased facilities, while the Custodial Services unit ensures that County-owned facilities within the County core service area are maintained to a professional standard for all users to work and interact with customers in a safe and healthy environment.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) program provides oversight and technical support to ensure access to facilities and services are compliant with ADA guidelines.
To learn more about our team click here
The Health Services Agency (HSA) is a network of outpatient medical programs and services. The HSA includes: medical offices in two locations throughout Stanislaus County; Community Health Services (offering traditional public health services to the community); health education programs and participates in the Valley Consortium for Medical Education (VCME), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. The HSA holds strongly to its vision of "healthy people in a healthy Stanislaus" by developing its services with the community, in ways that support community need.
ITC provides information technology services and support for all County departments. The ITC Department supports the Board of Supervisor's priority of Delivering Efficient Public Services & Community Infrastructure.
ITC manages the County's financial management system, the County's human resources management system, the County website and the County intranet.
The Infrastructure division manages the physical components of the County's technology systems. This includes the routers and switches that make up the wide area network, the file servers, storage and backup systems that reside in our redundant, secure data center. Infrastructure also includes the team which provides direct support for desktop and mobile computer hardware. Our Help Desk is staffed by customer service specialists who act as the conduit between our customers and staff. Our Voice over IP telephone system is managed by dedicated network and voice engineers. Wireless networking and Internet access are likewise supported out of the Infrastructure division.
The Software & Services division includes developers, analysts and other specialists who focus on the digital elements of technology. This division develops and enhances custom code designed to meet specific departmental requirements. Software & Services staff has developed and continue to maintain such critical County systems as Check Reconciliation and Budget Monitoring, as well as many other systems on behalf of departments.
The Stanislaus County Library system consists of thirteen branches (Ceres, Denair, Empire, Hughson, Keyes, Modesto, Newman, Oakdale, Patterson, Riverbank, Salida, Turlock, and Waterford) and includes a staff of approximately 160 full-time and part-time employees.
Stanislaus County Parks and Recreation is responsible for planning, developing, operating, and maintaining parks, reservoirs, and county facilities throughout Stanislaus County. The goal of the department is to manage Parks and Recreation facilities in ways that will provide the best possible experience for people to enjoy the outdoors at the most reasonable cost.
The Department of Parks and Recreation maintains five regional parks, twelve neighborhood parks, ten community parks, two off-highway vehicle parks, four cemeteries, two bridges, La Grange historical areas, five fishing access points along rivers and lakes, one swimming pool, one organized youth camp, and numerous acres of open space and river bottom. Department oversight also includes landscape and ground maintenance services and streetscape maintenance for various county services areas, county centers, libraries, landscape maintenance districts, and other govern-mental buildings in the unincorporated areas of the County. These facilities provide a vast array of recreational opportunities including, but not limited to, picnicking, sailing, power boating, water skiing, jet skiing, fishing, swimming, camping, hiking, hunting, and horseback and biking trails.
The Planning and Community Development Department promotes community and economic development by providing a diverse land use base focused on promoting and protecting local agriculture, enhancing community infrastructure and public services, and providing high quality, streamlined permit processing services for the benefit of all our customers.
The County has adopted a "One Stop Shop" with the goal to provide the customer an opportunity to do business, gather all department reviews and approvals, and obtain a building permit in one centralized location, in a timely and efficient manner.
The Planning and Community Development Department has three primary divisions, each performing different but interrelated functions:
Building Permits- Construction permits; floodplain administration; and abandoned and dangerous building abatement.
Community Development- Stanislaus Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) fund administration; and housing programs (first-time home buyer and rehabilitation programs).
Planning- General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance administration and implementation; California Land Conservation Act (Williamson Act) administration; and State Mining and Reclamation Act administration.
The Planning and Community Development Department also serves the: Stanislaus County Airport Land Use Commission; and
Successor Agency to the former Stanislaus County Redevelopment Agency.
The Stanislaus County Probation Department serves as an integral component of the community and the criminal justice system by providing adult and youth offender community supervision, accountability, rehabilitation, education, life skills programming, and direct services that support families and victims. In addition, the Department operates safe and secure youth custodial facilities, and offers a variety of positive behavioral conditioning, counseling therapy, job skills, and alternatives to custody programs.
The Department consists of four divisions: Adult Field Services, Juvenile Field Services, Institution Services, and Support Services with over 286 allocated administration, support, and sworn peace officer positions with an operational budget of $55 million.
The Public Defender's Office is an integral part of the criminal justice system providing representation to indigents accused of crimes in a vigorous and cost effective manner. The Public Defender's Office also represents parents in matters in which the state seeks to make their children dependents of the court, as well as those people accused of criminal contempt of court and people who are involuntarily committed during certain mental health proceedings. The Public Defender's duties are mandated by the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of California, and by statutes enacted by the California Legislature. The services provided by the office help assure the orderly administration of justice within our community and protect the liberty of those accused of crime as well as those who might someday find themselves accused.
The Public Works Department supports the Board of Supervisors' priority of Delivering Efficient Public Services and Community Infrastructure through its five major operating divisions. The Department strives to be the leading Public Works Department through innovative stewardship of infrastructure and environment. The Administrative Division is responsible for coordinating the work in all divisions. The Engineering Division designs, surveys and inspects roads and bridges while the Operations/Roads and Bridges Division maintains them; and the Development Services Division reviews private-project improvement plans. The Transit Division operates the StaRT bus system, and the Morgan Heavy Equipment Shop maintains road maintenance vehicles.
The Stanislaus County Public Works Department's main office is located at 1716 Morgan Rd. Modesto, CA. The Development Services and Transit Divisions are located at the Government Administration Center ("10th Street Place") located at 1010 10th Street, on the 4th floor. The 4th floor Development Services offices are located among the City of Modesto and Stanislaus County departments dealing with planning, zoning, and building inspection to provide an easy one-stop shop for customers' permitting and inspection needs.
The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department is dedicated to serve and protect the community through the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct by ENFORCEMENT, PREVENTION and EDUCATION in partnership with our community. Our Community demands the best service we can provide, and so we continually search for candidates who have a strong desire to make a positive impact on it. The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department offers multiple career opportunities in an organization that maintains Pride in Service, Dedication to Duty and Excellence in Performance.
Stanislaus Regional 9-1-1 provides twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week public safety emergency dispatch service and is the answering point for the 911 telephone system. Dispatching is provided for 22 Law Enforcement and Fire agencies within Stanislaus County.
The Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association was formed in 1948 and provides retire-ment, death and disability benefits for over 9,000 members. The Association operates under 1937 Act Code, the California Constitution and is governed by a nine member Board of Retirement. The Board of Retirement is responsible for all policy decisions, while internal staff handles the day-to-day administrative functions. Currently, StanCERA has a staff of 14, including both full and part-time employees.
The Treasurer- Tax Collector Department is comprised of three divisions: Taxes, Treasury, and Revenue Re-covery. The Taxes Division collects secured and unsecured property taxes along with other revenues, includ-ing cannabis tax, to help a variety of public agencies meet their financial goals. The Department also issues licenses for various types of businesses. The Treasury Division accepts deposits for all County departments, school districts and special districts, processes deposits for county-wide over the counter credit card pay-ments and receives absent heir funds to be held in trust before distribution to the State of California. The Rev-enue Recovery Division provides a centralized collection, billing and debt resolution service to all County de-partments and interagency participants. The division utilizes well-qualified, knowledgeable staff to collect on outstanding debts using professional collection and billing services for the resolution of debts owed to the County and other partnering agencies. The Revenue Recovery clients consist of over 20 county departments, several city agencies and the Superior Court of Stanislaus County.
Stanislaus County Workforce Development works with businesses to determine the needs of in-demand occupations and develop a skilled workforce that strengthens businesses and contributes to the economic success of the community.
With 96 allocated employees who work in six (6) locations throughout Stanislaus County, SCWD provides client & business services through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and CalWORKS.
For more information on the services, SCWD provides, please visit our website at
The Benefits
The benefits that we are able to provide our employees is what sets us apart from other organizations. Depending on the position, regular full-time employees can expect:
- Excellent retirement benefits (2% at approximately age 61 formula);
- Medical, dental, vision, and basic term life insurance plans;
- Two weeks annual vacation upon entering County service;
- 16 additional vacation hours annually;
- 96 hours of sick leave annually;
- 10 paid holidays annually;
- Disability protection;
- Optional participation in Flexible Spending Account programs;
- Optional Supplemental Life & AD&D insurance plans; and
- Employee Assistance Program.
We also have a robust Wellness Program that is designed to facilitate and encourage the good health of the Stanislaus County’s workforce!

Stanislaus County is a diverse, inclusive workplace, where employees are valued and respected for their different perspectives, experiences, backgrounds and contributions.
We are proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.
A copy of our Workplace Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation policy can be found here.
Arrangements may be made to accommodate disabilities and religious convictions. Applicants requiring testing accommodations are required to complete and submit the Testing Accommodation Request Form prior to the test administration date. Special arrangements for religious convictions should be included in the “Additional Information” section of the application form.
Application And/or Examination Appeal RightsApplication and/or examination results may be appealed by appliciants presenting acts alleging irregularity, fraud and/or error in application screening or in the exam scoring. Appeals must be in writing and submitted to the Chief Executive Office within seven (7) days after the examination results are released.
DisclaimerStanislaus County reserves the right to revise the examination plan described in this bulletin to better meet the needs of County service. The provisions of this bulletin do not constitute an express or implied contract. Any provision contained in this bulletin may be modified or revoked without notice. The information contained in the bulletin is information, which sets forth a general summary of benefits for this respective position. This information is not legally binding. The benefits and other information regarding this position may be found in the Stanislaus County Code, the Stanislaus County Personnel Policies manual, or in the applicable Memorandum of Understanding, and such information prevails over information contained in this bulletin. Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Stanislaus County Chief Executive Office/ Human Resources.